Relationship Breakdown 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyRelationshipsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Melissa AntwineCreated on: 26-12-15 20:15 This psychologist proposed three explanations for relationship breakdown Duck 1 of 8 Going to __________ can cause maintenance difficulties to arise university 2 of 8 A lack of _____ can cause a relationship to become difficult skills 3 of 8 Baxter found that this was often quoted when breaking off relationships. lack of stimulation 4 of 8 Who proposed the model of breakdown? Rollie and Duck 5 of 8 What is the stage where an individual goes public with their distress? Social phase 6 of 8 What comes after the grave-dressing phase? Resurrection phase 7 of 8 What phase is characterised by, "I can't stand this anymore!"? Breakdown 8 of 8
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