Relationships and Families

  • Created by: lx1234
  • Created on: 08-03-18 15:50
What is human sexuality?
Refers to how people express themselves as sexual beings
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What does the Christian Church teach about heterosexual relationships?
They are ideal, especially within marriage.
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What is the main concern in Buddhism when it comes to sexual relationships?
Not to harm anyone
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What are Christian general attitudes towards makeup?
Sex expresses a deep, loving, life long union that first requires the commitment of marriage, unfaithfulness is wrong
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What are Christian views on homosexual relationships?
Some christains completely oppose homosexual relationships because they believe it goes against Gods plan. Church of England welcomes homsexuals, but not same sex marriage, some think as long as the relationship is long and loving,it is okay.
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What are Buddhist general attitudes towards sexual relationships?
Does not favour one form of sexuality over another, or teach that sex before marriage is wrong.
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Whare are Buddhist general attitudes on homosexual relationships?
Buddhist teachings dont oppose homosexual relationships or marriage, there is no moral difference, as long as there is consent and respect.
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What are some forms of contraception?
Pill, Condom, Morning After Pill, Diaphragm and The Coil
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What are Christian Attitudes towards contraception?
For catholics, artificial contraception goes against natural law and the purpose of marriage. Conformists believe contraception is good for couples to develop their relationship before having children, methods that stop egg implanting are not okay
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What are Buddhist Attitudes towards contraception?
It is acceptable to use contraception, however, contraception that kills a fertilised egg is not okay (Unless birth threats child/mother). Having children is not considered an obligation, may be better if someone wants to live a spiritual life
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What are non religious points of view on artificial contraception?
There is a widespread acceptance of artifical contraception to help family planning, people consider it responsible to use contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
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What is the purpose of marriage to Christians?
It is a gift from god and the natural law, a covenant (agreement) before God in which the couple promise to be faithful, unique relationship allowing the creation of life
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What is the purpose of marriage for Buddhists?
A social contract rather than a religious duty or sacred act. Helps the wellbeing of the community and society as a whole by cementing strong, trusting relationships that provide support, protection and happiness.
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What is the purpose of marriage to non religious believers?
A legal union between two people in a relationship, a serious, lifelong commitment made in public to another person. It provides legal and financial benefits?
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What is cohabitation?
Refers to a couple living together and having a sexual relationship without being married. It is common in Britain today, but not all christians agree with it
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Who accepts cohabitation?
Catholic and Orthodox churches oppose it as they believe sex should only take place within a marriage, whilst Anglican and Protestant Christians accept that although marriage is best, people may cohabit in a loyal and loving relationship. Buddhists.
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What are the reasons for divorce?
Lack of communication, peole changing, inability to have children, domestic violence, adultery, illness or disability, immaturity, work and money pressures.
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What are Christian views on divorce and remarriage
The sanctity of marriage means marriage must be kept no matter what, marriage is a sacrament that is permanent, some believe divorce is the lesser of the two evils
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What are Buddhist views on divorce and remarriage?
No teachings that state divorce and remarriage is wrong, but believe divorce should be a last resort.
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What are the types of families?
Nuclear, Extended, Same sex families, Polygamous families, Single Parent families, Step family
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What are the role of parents?
Encourage positive morals and values, love and care for children, teach children right from wrong, educate their children about faith
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What are the role of children?
Support and care for parents in old age, preserve the traditions of family, love and respect their parents.
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What is procreation?
The production of offspring; reproduction
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What are the christian views on gender equality?
All people are created equal in the eyes of God, the command to love ones neighbour means discrimination is wrong. Jesus treated women with respect and welcomed them as disciples.
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What are the Buddhist views on gender equality?
In the Buddhas time, women were seen as inferior to men. The Buddha did obtain women as nuns, the Aparimitayur Sutra suggests women must be reborn as men before they can be enlightened. Many buddhists believe men and women are equal.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does the Christian Church teach about heterosexual relationships?


They are ideal, especially within marriage.

Card 3


What is the main concern in Buddhism when it comes to sexual relationships?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are Christian general attitudes towards makeup?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are Christian views on homosexual relationships?


Preview of the front of card 5
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