relationships and families

  • Created by: 1_sxv
  • Created on: 23-04-18 16:27
what does heterosexul mean?
a relationship between the opposite sex
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what dores homosexual mean?
a relationship between members of the same sex
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1 Christian views on heterosexual relationships and a quote:
christians would say marriage is the onlyu valid place for heterosexual relationship. " That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife and they become one flesh"
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1 Muslim view about heterosexual relationships and a quote:
Muslims would say heterosexual relationships are the normal pattern of behaviour , Muslims are expected to marry and have a family.
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a Christian belief on same sex marriage:
Some Christians oppose homosexual relationships because Paul taught that the sexually immoral , including "men who have sex with men " will not inherit the kingdom of God.
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a Muslim belief on same sex marriage:
Homosexual and lesbian relationships are forbidden by Islam because of these strict rules about sexual intercourse only taking place between a husband and wife. Some Muslim lawyers have argued that it is a crime which should be punished by death.
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what does adultery mean?
voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not their spouse
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a Muslim view on adultery
Men are not allowed to be alone with women other than their wives in case they are tempted by them: Let no man be in privacy with a woman who he is not married to, or Satan will be the third. ' Hadith'
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a Christian view on adultery
, adultery hidden because it violates the covenant, or contract, agreed to at the start of the marriage to bond until death. For the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches, this covenant is sanctified between the partnership and God.
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what is meant by a nuclear family?
Two parents living with children
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what is Cohabitation?
When a couple lives together without being married
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What do many Christians regard as the best foundation for a family?
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Why do Christians believe the family is important for society?
Children learn to love, behave and trust in the family
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Why is baptism important for a Christian family?
It enables parents to share their faith with the child
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Why is the marriage ceremony important for a Christian couple?
The marriage ceremony is important for a Christian couple as it allows them to express their love in public and before God.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what dores homosexual mean?


a relationship between members of the same sex

Card 3


1 Christian views on heterosexual relationships and a quote:


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


1 Muslim view about heterosexual relationships and a quote:


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


a Christian belief on same sex marriage:


Preview of the front of card 5
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