Relationships-Evaluation of studies. 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyRelationshipsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: DariaWasilewskaCreated on: 10-02-17 17:10 Social Exchange Theory > Inappropriate assumptions underlying SET Clark and Mills- not all relationships involve exchange of rewards and comparison of costs. 1 of 15 Social Exchange Theory > Direction of cause and effect Research shows that dissatisfaction comes before consideration of alternatives (Miller) 2 of 15 Social Exchange Theory > SET ignores equity Both partners profit needs to be roughly similar; equity theory suggests that this is more important than the rewards and costs for each. 3 of 15 Social Exchange Theory > Measuring SET concepts The costs and rewards are difficult to measure in real life. 4 of 15 Social Exchange Theory > Artificial Research Snapshots studies using game play scenarios do not resemble real life exchange relationships. 5 of 15 Equity Theory > Supporting research evidence Utne et al found that couples in an equitable relationship are most satisfied 6 of 15 Equity Theory > Cultural Influence Aumer-Ryan found that in collectivist societies partners are more satisfied when they are over benefiting 7 of 15 Equity Theory > Individual Differences Not everyone is concerned about equity - benevolents tolerate under benefit and entitled believe they deserve over benefit 8 of 15 Equity Theory > Types of Relationship Clark and Mills- equity means more in non-romantic relationships, less important to romantic satisfaction 9 of 15 Equity Theory > Contradictory Research Evidence Not all relationships become more equitable over time, other factors are more important 10 of 15 Rusbult's investment model > Supporting Research Evidence Le and Agnew meta-analysis showed all three factors of the model predicted relationships commitment 11 of 15 Rusbult's investment model > Explains Abusive Relationships Rusbult and Martz found that abused partners who were committed reported greatest investment and lowest CLalt 12 of 15 Rusbult's investment model > Oversimplifies Investment Goodfriend and Agnew extended the theory to include the importance of future plans as part of investment. 13 of 15 Rusbult's investment model > Methodological strengths Self-report measures are useful because what matters in relationships is perception rather than reality. 14 of 15 Rusbult's investment model > Based on Correlational Research Only shows relationship not cause and effect. 15 of 15
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