RELATIONSHIPS AND CHOICES 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishLifestyle and healthGCSEAQA Created by: MillieCreated on: 09-05-14 12:15 Aguantar To Tolerate/Put Up With 1 of 50 La Barrera Generacionak Generation Gap 2 of 50 Carinoso/a Affectionate 3 of 50 Comprensivo Understanding 4 of 50 Comprender To Understand 5 of 50 La Confianza Trust 6 of 50 Convencer To Convince 7 of 50 Criticar To Critize 8 of 50 La Discusion Argument 9 of 50 Egoista Selfish 10 of 50 Enfadarse To Get Angry 11 of 50 Feliz Happy 12 of 50 Honrado/a Honest/Honourable 13 of 50 Impaciente Impacient 14 of 50 La Influencia Influence 15 of 50 Llevarse To Get On 16 of 50 Maleducado/a Rude 17 of 50 La Pareja Couple 18 of 50 pelearse To Fight 19 of 50 Relacionarse To Relate To/To get To Know 20 of 50 Respetar To Respect 21 of 50 En/la Companero/a Companion/Friend 22 of 50 Indepemdiente Independant 23 of 50 Jubilarse To Retire 24 of 50 El/La Nieto/a Grandson/Daughter 25 of 50 Pesimista Pessimistic 26 of 50 La Vida Familiar Family Life 27 of 50 La Actitud Attiude 28 of 50 El Comentario Comment 29 of 50 Cometer To Commit 30 of 50 Los Derechos Rights 31 of 50 La Desigualdad Inequality 32 of 50 La Diferencia Difference 33 of 50 Educar To Educate 34 of 50 La Encuesta Survey 35 of 50 Acuerdo Agree 36 of 50 Contra Against 37 of 50 El/La Extranjero/a Foreigner 38 of 50 La Igualdad Equality 39 of 50 El/La Immigrante Immigrant 40 of 50 La Intergracion Intergration 41 of 50 Maltratar To Abuse 42 of 50 Matar To Kill 43 of 50 La Mayoria The Majority 44 of 50 El Mundo World 45 of 50 La Reaccion Reaction 46 of 50 El Sentimiento Feeling 47 of 50 El/La Trabajador(a) Worker 48 of 50 La Violencia Domestica Domestic Violence 49 of 50 La Victima Victim 50 of 50
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