Religion and Animal Rights 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Religious StudiesAnimal RightsGCSEAQA Created by: rachelwalkerCreated on: 21-01-16 16:15 78109532146 Across 1. Transport, entertainment, such as zoos, assistance (7, 7) 4. Belief about reincarnation, which is where the human soul is reborn (5) 6. This group tries to raise awareness, monitor animal welfare, petition governments to change laws in animal sports (5) 10. Skins, fur and ivory (5) Down 2. they believe that animals are equal to humans (7) 3. Which religion believes that animals should be cared and respected for (3, 9) 5. The duty that God gave humans to take care of the natural world (11) 7. medical drugs, cosmetic, cloning and God's creation (15) 8. Pets (10) 9. hunting, competition and danger (6, 5)
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