Religion and Animal Rights 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesAnimal RightsGCSEAQA Created by: Kathryn252Created on: 17-05-16 17:50 Which act protects animals and puts more responsibility on the owners?? The Animal Welfare Act 2006 1 of 25 What % of land is used to grow crops for animals rather than humans? 90% 2 of 25 How much is the fur trade worth to the UK economy every year? £500 mil 3 of 25 Name 2 charities that protect the interests of animals RSPCA (Royal society for protection of cruelty to animals) WWF (World Wide Fund for nature) 4 of 25 Which extremeist died in prison whilst serving 18 months for criminal damages? Barry Horne 5 of 25 Which farm bred guinea pigs and were attacked in Staffordshire? Darley Oaks Farm 6 of 25 Quote saying it doesn't matter what you eat "God's kingdom has nothing to do with eating or drinking. It is a matter of being right with God." 7 of 25 Quote which supports vegetarianism "I am also giving the plants to all the creatures that move on the ground." 8 of 25 The famous modern Christian writer on aminal rights Andrew Linzey -love intended "not just for human beings but for all creatures" 9 of 25 Catholic monk St Francis 10 of 25 Catholic opinion on animal testing ok "If it remains within the reasonable limits for caring for or saving human lives." 11 of 25 Cof E opinion on animal testing ok if "receive careful and sympathetic treatment." 12 of 25 Methodist opinion on animal testing "condemn the needless or unjustifiable testing on animals." 13 of 25 Quote about sparrows and their worth "A human may be worth many sparrows, but even a sparrow does not die unnoticed." 14 of 25 Islam version of do not kill "Do not take life...which Allah has made sacred (excpet by way of justice and law)" 15 of 25 Islamic Stewardship Khalifah 16 of 25 Islamic balance and harmony Fitrah 17 of 25 Unity in world- everything connected Tawid 18 of 25 Intention Niyyah 19 of 25 Muslim animal rights writer Al Hafiz AB Masri 20 of 25 Support for use of animals "Allah provided for you all manner of livestock" "He has given you the Earth for your heritage" 21 of 25 Scientific field to find patterns of lifestyle/environment and link to factor Epidemiology 22 of 25 As a result of testing we have antibiotics, asthma medication, treatments for lukemia 23 of 25 Alternatives to animal testing include clinical studies and testing human cells then using technology to scale results up 24 of 25 Quote on how Christians should treat their animals "the righteous care for the needs of their animals"- proverbs 25 of 25
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