Explain why some christians support equal rights for women in religion and some do not.
Protestants= equal as in genesis both men and women created in gods image. Traditional= dont =men created first (Genesis). Catholic= support equal, only men priests= Men and women created equally but jesus only had men apostles.
1 of 9
Explain why Roman catholic christians should help promote racial harmony.
Jesus treated everyone equally. God created all races in his image. Catechism condemns racism. Jesus said ' love your neighbour as yourself.' st peter had visions saying god has no favourites among races.
2 of 9
Explain why government encourages community cohesion.
Duty to ensure everyone is treated equal. Without community cohesion there would be division and conflict. No action can cause social discrimination. Can introduce laws to introduce community cohesion.
3 of 9
Explain benefits living in a multi-faith society.
increases tolerance and understanding. give insight to other religions. makes believers think seriously about religion. religious freedom may stop religious conflicts.
4 of 9
Explain how religions work to promote community cohesions.
Set up multi-faith groups. Hold joint services. Invite each other to festivals. Religious charities help everyone.
5 of 9
Explain why Roman Catholic church wants to help asylum seekers/ or immigrant workers.
Jesus directed it to do this. bible teaches this. Church teaches to give service to others. The holy family were asylum seekers in Egypt.
6 of 9
Explain why interfaith marriages could cause problems for religious people.
Choosing religious place to marry. Conflict about religious upbringing of children. Cause divisions in families. Anxiety about what will happen after death.
7 of 9
Explain how attitudes to the roles of men and women have changed in the uk.
Women likely to work full time. Sex discrimination is illegal. Women now have to be paid same amount as men for same job. Women equal to men politically.
8 of 9
Explain how multi-faith society raises issues for religious people.
Discrimination against faith. Conversion from one faith to other. Arguments about religions with families. Interfaith marriages.
9 of 9
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Explain why Roman catholic christians should help promote racial harmony.
Jesus treated everyone equally. God created all races in his image. Catechism condemns racism. Jesus said ' love your neighbour as yourself.' st peter had visions saying god has no favourites among races.
Card 3
Explain why government encourages community cohesion.
Card 4
Explain benefits living in a multi-faith society.
Card 5
Explain how religions work to promote community cohesions.
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