Religion and social change 1.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? SociologyReligion and beliefsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: patrick floodCreated on: 08-11-13 12:08 This neo Marxist showed how religion can be a force for social change Maduro 1 of 11 Who said that religion promotes social stability Durkheim 2 of 11 Weber used this term to show how religion can be a force for social change Calvinism 3 of 11 This sociologist belived factours sutch as how charismatic the leader is affects how conservative religion is Mc Guire 4 of 11 Malinowski looked at this in relation to religion Rituals 5 of 11 Which functionalist saw religion as: providing value consensus; helping to maintain social order Parsons 6 of 11 How did Weber show that religion can be a force for social change from studying Calvinism 7 of 11 Neo Marxists such as Maduro show how religion may have a degree of independence from What economic base 8 of 11 What is the definition of: calvinists believe that your life is already mapped out predestination 9 of 11 what is the definition of:a belief that we should return to the literal meaning of religious texts fundamentalism 10 of 11 what is the definition of: heavily looked at this branch of christianity methodism 11 of 11