A Roman Britain -Religion( Roman and Celtic)

  • Created by: Ellie
  • Created on: 24-04-13 16:14
What was the name given to the three main Gods the Romans worshipped?
The Capitoline Triad
1 of 7
Who were these Gods?
Jupiter, Juno and Minerva
2 of 7
What did the Romans believe about worshipping other Gods abroad?
That this was acceptable and it was expected to pay your respects to the local gods
3 of 7
What was the official line?
That foreign Gods were not supposed to be worshipped by Roman Citizens
4 of 7
Why was Mithras so popular in Britain among the soldiers?
He was the God of light, truth and of overcoming ones enemies
5 of 7
Describe the religious side of the Roman Empire in a single word
Cosmopolitan/ multi-faith
6 of 7
Why is it likely that any temples are likely to be Roman?
Because the Celts didnt worship in Temples they worshiped outside or in huts
7 of 7

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Card 2


Who were these Gods?


Jupiter, Juno and Minerva

Card 3


What did the Romans believe about worshipping other Gods abroad?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the official line?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why was Mithras so popular in Britain among the soldiers?


Preview of the front of card 5
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