What were the three ways Dionysius said we should talk about God?
Via negative (apophatic), via positiva (cataphatic), qualification (cataphatic)
1 of 9
What did John Hick say to disagree with Dionysius?
God is totally transcendent, totally ineffable, totally indescribable and totally incapable of being conceptualised by the mind
2 of 9
What did the Vienna Circle believe about religious statements?
They are meaningless as you can't verify them
3 of 9
What are the two types of meaningful statements the Logical Positivists said there are?
Analytic Propositions & Synthetic Propositions
4 of 9
What are the two types of verification Ayer say there are?
Strong & Weak
5 of 9
Explain the parable of the gardener (Wisdom)
1 person believes there's a gardener and the other doesn't & this changes their feelings of the garden
6 of 9
What is the falsification principle?
To be able to see if something is meaningful you have to be able to prove it wrong
7 of 9
What did Flew say about the meaningfulness of religious statements?
They're meaningless as there's no way of proving them false & there's nothing to count against the
8 of 9
What did Wittgenstein say language games are?
They exist in all forms of society & human activity- people not in the game won't be able to understand what is being said (religion is just a language game
9 of 9
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What did John Hick say to disagree with Dionysius?
God is totally transcendent, totally ineffable, totally indescribable and totally incapable of being conceptualised by the mind
Card 3
What did the Vienna Circle believe about religious statements?
Card 4
What are the two types of meaningful statements the Logical Positivists said there are?
Card 5
What are the two types of verification Ayer say there are?
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