Religious Studies

what is conversion
changing from one religion to another or from no religion to a religion
1 of 20
what is a miracle
something that breaks the laws of science (only God could have done it)
2 of 20
what is the difference between moral and natural evil
moral- actions caused by humans that cause suffering. natural- actions that cause suffering but not by humans
3 of 20
what is numinous
a feeling of the presence of something greater than you
4 of 20
how can a religious upbringing lead to someone believing in God (5 reasons)
reading Bible, going to church/ school, praying as a family, celebrating religious festivals, getting told about their belief in God
5 of 20
name 4 religious experiences
numinous, prayer, miracle and conversion
6 of 20
what is the cosmological argument
St. Thomas Aquinas - the theory that everything is caused by something else (God) cause+effect
7 of 20
what is the design argument
William Paley - something as complicated as the Earth needs a designer (watch & watchmaker)
8 of 20
what are 3 arguments against these theories/ God
coincidence (David Hume), natural selection (Charles Darwin), too many faults to be God's perfect design(Richard Dawkins)
9 of 20
what is the big bang
scientific explanation, massive explosion (still expanding)
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what is the christian response to the big bang
'let there be light' -God created the Big Bang
11 of 20
explain unanswered prayers leading to people not believing
they are evidence that God doesn't exist (doesn't answer)
12 of 20
what is the christian response to unanswered prayers
nature to run naturally, 'no' is still an answer, down to our motives
13 of 20
what is evolution/natural selection
Charles Darwin- more logical (organisms evolved)
14 of 20
christian response to evolution/natural selection
humanity is special, too many missing links to be proved
15 of 20
how do omnibenevolence, omniscience and omnipotence prove god doesn't exist
benevolent-want to remove suffering. science-now how to remove suffering. potence-could rem
16 of 20
christian argument towards 'omni' argument
mankind changed Earth through war, pollution and development
17 of 20
what is free will
god gave us the right to free will- can choose as we please
18 of 20
why is evil humans fault
choices made are our free will, can't be taken away
19 of 20
how does religion and the media affect views
'the big question' series discredits religion (one sided)
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is a miracle


something that breaks the laws of science (only God could have done it)

Card 3


what is the difference between moral and natural evil


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is numinous


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how can a religious upbringing lead to someone believing in God (5 reasons)


Preview of the front of card 5
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