Religious Studies Abortion Quiz on Abortion unit for Religious Studies 3.5 / 5 based on 9 ratings ? Religious StudiesAbortionGCSEEdexcel Created by: JadeCreated on: 04-05-11 18:25 How many doctors need to agree on the abortion before it can take place? two 1 of 8 The bible states that...? All life is sacred 2 of 8 The bible also states that...? It is wrong to harm another human because it is harming god 3 of 8 What else does the Church of England say about abortion? Abortion is only right if the woman has been ***** 4 of 8 What does the Church of England say about abortion? That it is wrong unless the child will be born severley handicapped 5 of 8 What does the catholic church say about abortions? Abortion is murder 6 of 8 When was Abortion made legal in Britian? 1967 7 of 8 What else does the catholic church say about abortions? Catholics believe that life begins at conception 8 of 8
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