why did the majority of people who disliked the nazis not engage in active opposition?
they were scared
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what are 6 different adult groups who opposed the nazis?
political parties, artists + authors, catholic church, protestant church, army generals, upperclass organisations
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why did political parties oppose the nazis?
the enabling law banned all other political parties
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what did other political parties do? and who were they?
published anti-nazi propaganda and social democrats
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why was this unsuccessful?
it reached very little german people and gestapo informers often spied on them and they would be imprisoned
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why did the catholic church dislike the nazis?
hitler broke his agreement not to interfere with the catholic church
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what did they do?
the pope denounced nazism as anti christian and churches read a letter from the pope criticising the nazis for breaking human rights
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were they successful?
no hitler sent nuns and priests to concentration camps
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why did authors and artists dislike the nazis?
their artistic freedm was restricted
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what did they do?
many left germany and some spoke out against the nazis
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were they successful?
no most emigrated/ suffered in silence
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why did the protestant church dislike nazis?
hitler set up the reich church
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why did army generals dislike the nazis?
they were highly suspicious of them and were unhappy with hitlers working class background and the way he interfered with military strategy + they disagreed with his expansionist policy
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what did they do?
some spoke out against him but they were sacked
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why did the upperclasses dislike hitler?
they disliked his brutality
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what was the name of the group that tried to assassinate hitler?
the Beck-Goerdeler group
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what happened to them?
they were all executed
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what proves the effectiveness of the way nazis dealt with opposition?
the allies brought an end to the nazis, not a group from within
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why was opposition to nazis unsuccessful?(5)
** + gestapo intimidated people, succe**ful indoctrination of young people, fear of conc camps, lots of informers, ecenomic succe** and widespread use of propaganda
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what should all the groups have done?
worked together
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who were the **?
bodyguards for leading nazis, they ran the concentration camps, wore black uniforms and were lead by Himmler
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who were the Gestapo?
the german secret police, they arrested anti nazis at early hours, they had a network of informers, they could imprison you without trial if they thought you were about to do something
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what happened with the police and in courts?
judges were bias against people the nazis didn't like, all judges were nazis, the police did not investigate non nazi crimes
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what were concentration camps like?
for enemies of state, prisoners endured hard phyisical labour, ** beat prisoners who broke the rules, horrible conditions, people died from disease or bad treatment, poeople feared them
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how did the use of terror help the nazis control people? (5)
fear of consequence, inabiltiy to trust people, majority too scared, intimidation, stopped active opposition
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what are 6 different adult groups who opposed the nazis?
political parties, artists + authors, catholic church, protestant church, army generals, upperclass organisations
Card 3
why did political parties oppose the nazis?
Card 4
what did other political parties do? and who were they?
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