Media Key Terms 2.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Media StudiesASWJEC Created by: Cheyenne MeyerCreated on: 03-04-13 12:57 A 'typical' representation, which is widely accepted; a simplified, and possibly judgemental representation Stereotype 1 of 26 Refers to the biological difference between males and females Sex 2 of 26 Refers to the distinction between masculinity and femininity; affected by social and cultural influences Gender 3 of 26 A structure/society where men hold the positions of power, over women. Patriarchal Society 4 of 26 A term used to describe films which break with conventional narrative structures or reference other texts within their style or story. Postmodern 5 of 26 Any media that constructs an exaggerated or unrealistic representation of real 'reality' that causes an audience to believe in media reality. Hyper-real 6 of 26 A process in which the media constructs messages Encoding 7 of 26 The process of reading the meaning encoded in a media text Decoding 8 of 26 The audience uncritically accept the preferred- or intended- meaning of the text Dominant Reading 9 of 26 The audience partially accept and partly reject the preferred - or intended- meaning of the text Negotiated Reading 10 of 26 The audience rejects the message of the text Oppositional Reading 11 of 26 Any media product (e.g. television programs, photograph, music videos, etc) Media Text 12 of 26 The meaning that that audience give to the sign/image/sound Connotation 13 of 26 What the text actually shows and is immediately apparent to the audience Denotation 14 of 26 The text, captions or voice-over that accompanies a text Anchorage 15 of 26 Images that have many possible meanings Polysemic images 16 of 26 The process of editing and construction that a media text is exposed to before it is presented to the audience Mediation 17 of 26 The way elements are put together to represent real life (e.g. using close ups in dramatic moments) Construction 18 of 26 Specific groups of people that media producers or advertisers want to reach Target Audience 19 of 26 The audience are encouraged to focus upon a particular aspect of the text to encourage assumptions and conclusions to be drawn. Focus 20 of 26 The most common form of editing used in TV and Film; designed to go unnoticed-the action seems seamless and natural Continuity Editing 21 of 26 The type of edit between shots Transitions 22 of 26 Sound that the characters can hear; exists in the world in of the story Diegetic Sound 23 of 26 Sound that exists outside the world of the story; the characters cannot hear it Non-diegetic sounds 24 of 26 How the media text addresses its audience Mode of address 25 of 26 The number of different shots there are in a sequence Pace 26 of 26
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