Representing data 0.0 / 5 ? ComputingRepresenting dataGCSEOCR Created by: becky.65Created on: 31-05-16 12:35 Define bit Each digit of a binary number 1 of 20 Define nibble Half a byte or 4 bits 2 of 20 Define byte A group of 8 binary digits 3 of 20 Define kilobyte 1024 bytes 4 of 20 Define megabyte 1024 kilobytes 5 of 20 Define gigabyte 1024 megabytes 6 of 20 Define terabyte 1024 gigabytes 7 of 20 Why do programmers use hexadecimal? Because large binary numbers are difficult to remember and hexadecimal numbers are easy to recognise and remember 8 of 20 What is the character set for the computer? The list of codes and matching characters for the computer 9 of 20 What is ASCII code? It uses 7 bits so can provide 127 characters plus the null character 10 of 20 What is extended ASCII? It uses 8 bits, making it possible to use 256 characters in total 11 of 20 What is Unicode? It uses 16 bits, providing over 65000 possibilities or 32 bits providing over 4 billion possibilities 12 of 20 Why might unicode be used? It can provide a character set for a computer that includes a wide range of specialist symbols 13 of 20 Why does a computer need metadata for an image? Because the computer is able to work out how to turn the binary values that the image is stored as into the image 14 of 20 What is a pixel? One 'dot' of the image 15 of 20 What happens are the colour depth increases? More bits per pixel are needed and more bits are needed to store the data 16 of 20 What is the resolution? The number of pixels per unit 17 of 20 How are instructions coded as bit patterns? The instruction is in two parts; the operator is the instruction part and the operand is the data part 18 of 20 What does the operator binary code represent? An operation, e.g. ADD 19 of 20 How can the CPU tell the difference between data and instructions? It cannot tell the difference and it simply deals with what it finds according to what it expects to find 20 of 20
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