Reproductive system 0.0 / 5 ? OtherParamedic ScienceReproductive systemsAnatomyUniversityNone Created by: LouisaCreated on: 19-02-20 17:25 Why are the reproductive and urinary systems under the same organ system share vessels, share embryonic development, close proximity 1 of 23 Female reproductive system 4 major anatomical parts Ovaries, Fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix 2 of 23 what do the ovaries produce eggs (ova) and hormones (progesterone and oestrogen) 3 of 23 how are they attached to the pelvis via ligmament, holfing them close to the fallopian tube (oviduct) 4 of 23 Fallopian tubes do what connect the ovaries to the uterus 5 of 23 uterus does what 3 things nourish, pr0tect and then expel the foetus 6 of 23 The anatomical aspects of the uterus (womb) it is a muscular organ (smooth muscle) with an endometrium (lining with a blood supply) 7 of 23 whar is the certix the neck of the womb 8 of 23 the cervix is usually blocked by muscus, which breaks down during sex and ovualtion 9 of 23 what are the 4 main anatomical parts of the male reproductive system scrotum, testes penis, and accessory glands 10 of 23 what does the scrotum contain at what temp. the testes at 35' 11 of 23 the testes are the site of waht and secrete what site of sperm storage ad production and secrete the hormone testosterone 12 of 23 penis is made up of what erectile tissue connecting to the nervous tissue 13 of 23 accssory glands include what prostat glands and seminal vesicle 14 of 23 they add secretions to the sperm including what citrate, calcium ions and fructose (enery need for sperm to swim) 15 of 23 what sti can cause infertility chlamydia 16 of 23 A bacterial infection can cause what a block in the fallopina tubes 17 of 23 what is endometriosis where the endometrium tissue grows in other parts of the body 18 of 23 what are anti sperm anto bodies its the development of immune response against sperm , B lymphocytes produce antobodies that destroy the sperm before they reach the egg 19 of 23 abnormal sperm would lead to low motility 20 of 23 low number of sperm in semen can be caused by what? STIs 21 of 23 how many pairs of genes do we have 23 22 of 23 which determnes male and which determines female XY ** 23 of 23
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