Other questions in this quiz

2. What is Positive Assortive Mating?

  • mating animals with similar phenotypes (features), in attempt to increase their traits in their offspring
  • to give them different traits in their offspring
  • breeding different breeds together

3. What is Cloning?

  • a somatic cell is turned in to an egg cell from the DNA
  • form of contraception
  • regulating the cycles

4. What is an inbreeding coefficient?

  • to breed different breeds together
  • gives the probability of how genetically similar or closely related two individuals are. higher coefficient means the more closely related they are
  • to breed different species together

5. What is Artificial Insemination?

  • using semen to insert in to the female
  • using the semen to insert it in to the male
  • different alleles


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