Research Methods Wordsearch 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyResearch methods and techniquesASOCR Created by: libby190999Created on: 04-06-18 14:27 type of experiment where the IV is natural quasi 1 of 10 variable that is manipulated and controlled by the researcher independent 2 of 10 variable which is measured by the researcher dependent 3 of 10 variables which can effect the relationship between the other variables extraneous 4 of 10 correct rules of conduct necessary when carrying out research ethics 5 of 10 more specific and direct prediction directional 6 of 10 no significant relationship prediction null 7 of 10 amount of accuracy in the experiment validity 8 of 10 experiment done in a real life environment field 9 of 10 use of the same participants in different conditions/environments repeated measures 10 of 10
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