Research Methods 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? PsychologyResearch methods and techniquesASAQA Created by: Hannah SmithCreated on: 07-04-13 17:31 Advantages of a Laboratory experiment High levels of control, easy to replicate and its possible to establish a causal relationship 1 of 6 Disadvantages of a Laboratory experiment Artificial- may not measure real-life behaviour, demand characteristics, ethics- deception 2 of 6 Advanatages of a Field Experiment Establish a causal relationship, high ecological validity, demand characteristics 3 of 6 Disadvantags of a Field experiment Less control over confounding variables, ethics- distress over ppts. who didn't agree to take part 4 of 6 Advantages of Natural experiments Ethical- can study variables that it would be unethical to manipulate 5 of 6 Disadvantage of Natural experiments Participant allocation- can't randomly allocate ppts. to each condition, rare events- some groups of interests are hard to find, ethics- deception 6 of 6
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