responses and adaptations, 0.0 / 5 ? Sports Sciencerespiratory systemBTEC NationalAQA Created by: jacob0882873Created on: 26-11-19 14:42 what is a response immediate short term effects of exercise 1 of 10 what is an adaptation long term effects resulting in changs to the respiratory system 2 of 10 what are two responses to the respiratory system during exercise increased breathing rate, increase in tidal volume 3 of 10 name 3 adaptations to the respiratory system during exercise increased strength in respiratory muscles, increased vital capacity, increased oxygen and co2 diffusion rate 4 of 10 how does the respiratory system respond to a single training session? increased breathing rate, increased vital capacity 5 of 10 how can asthma have an effect on exercise exercise can cause an asthma attack, reducled oxygen delivery to the muscles do to airways being restricted 6 of 10 what are some impacts of regular exerciseto fight asthma increased strength of respiratory muscles, increased vital capacity 7 of 10 what is partial pressure tells us how much of a particular gas is present 8 of 10 what are the effects of altitude on exercise partial pressure of oxygen is less therefor you will fatigue quicker 9 of 10 what are the benefits of training at altitude There bodies will adapt to the lack of oxygen increasing the red blood cell count this allows the athlete to transport more oxygen 10 of 10
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