responses to anti-Semitism in western and central europe 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryUniversityNone Created by: CristineCreated on: 10-01-13 23:06 An organisation founded in 1893 that fostered the collective interest of Jewish people the central association of German citizens of Jewish faith 1 of 15 the name of another defence agency against the discrimination of the Jews alliance Israelite Universelle 2 of 15 one of the most radical responses f the Jews that had them abandon the Jewish community and Judaism altogether conversion 3 of 15 a jewish sect who adhered to a Judaism of defiance and spite, the stubborn refusal to let anti- Seitism win trots Judentum 4 of 15 the affair that did nothing to fudamentaly alter French - Jewry allegiance to their Father land Dreyfus Affair 5 of 15 a location in Russia where students wished to recruit, arm and train defence units against impending pogroms odessa 6 of 15 Another located where there was resistance to impending pogroms by a jewish teacher seeking to organise defence units balta 7 of 15 a response that went beyond self-defence emigration 8 of 15 most popular destination to emigrate for the Russian Jewry United States 9 of 15 a group who believed Russian pogroms were God's will and Russian Jewry should cooperate with authorities orthodox Jews 10 of 15 a resistance organisation in Russia who preached pride, dignity and self awareness bunds 11 of 15 the defense movement in the Czech nation centred around this individual Vohryzek 12 of 15 the name of the defence movement Rozvoj 13 of 15 an extreme form of naionalism as a response to antisemitism Zionism 14 of 15 the weird guy who advocated a state for the Jew Theodore Herzl 15 of 15
Why was Russia the first country to experience full-scale communist revolution, contrary to Marx’s expectations? I 0.0 / 5
Roads to Modernity- The Making of 'THe American Century': The United States 1865-1941 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
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