Restless Earth - Case Study - Earthquakes

  • Created by: 12BE
  • Created on: 06-05-17 08:54
Where was the LDC earthqake?
Port au Prince, Haiti
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When was the Haiti earthquake?
16:53, 12th January 2010
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What was the magnitude of the Haiti eartquake?
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Which plates were involved with the Haiti earthquake?
The carribean plate and the north american plate
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What type of plate boundary was the Haiti earthquake on?
Conservative plate boundary
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What is happening at the Haiti plate margin?
The carribean plate is moving forward by 20mm per year in relation to the NA plate
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Where was the MDC earthquake?
Amatrice, Italy
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When was the Italian earthquake?
03:36, 24th August 2016
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What was the magnitude of the Italian earthquake
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Which plates were involved with the Italian earthquake?
The adriatic plate and the eurasian plate
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What type of plate boundary was the Italian earthquake on?
Destructive plate boundary
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What is happening at the Italian plate margin?
The adriatic plate is being continuously subducted under the eurasian plate
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How many people died in the earthquakes?
Over 220,000 in Haiti and 296 in Italy
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How many people were injured in the earthquakes?
388 in Italy and over 300,000 in Haiti
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How many people became homeless as a result of the erthquakes?
1 million in Haiti and 2,900 in Italy
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What happened to buildings in both towns?
Many were damaged or destroyed but more so in Haiti as they have fewer earthquake resistant buildings
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What happened in Haiti as a result of damaged buildings?
4,000 inmates escaped from jail after it was destroyed in the earthquake
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What type of mass movement was caused by the Italian earthquake?
130 landslides
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Why was it difficult to distribute aid in Italy and Haiti?
Roads were blocked and bridges had collapsed as a result of the earthquake
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Why was communication difficult in Haiti?
The public telephone system was destroyed
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How did being an LDC affect Haiti compared to Italy?
There was less aid money, more injuries/deaths and hospitals were unable to cope
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Why were the economies badly damaged?
It costs alot to rebuild the areas, shops and businesses were destroyed so the economies are less stable, tourism reduces due to fear and unemployment rises
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How was the environment damaged by the earthquakes?
Animal popultions reduced and many plants were uprooted or killed
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What were the rescue efforts in Haiti?
Unharmed survivors rescued people from rubbl as the few helecopters were distibuting aid and some emergency rescue teams were provided by countries such as Iceland. They also recieved charity donations
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What were the rescue efforts in Italy?
Local authorities organised 70 search and rescue teams with 4400 people involved with some search dogs. Helecopters were used to airlift people to hospital (12 in use, 9 on standby) and 2100 people were accomodated for in emergency camps
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How are they preparing for another earthquake in Italy?
The Italian government is paying large amounts of money to reconstruct buildings further apart to reduce the knock on effect
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What technology did the MDC that an LDC would not have access to?
They sed drones and robots to cleanup and survey the damage and stability of buildings
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How did they pay for reconstrction in Haiti?
They recieved pledges from governments and charity money to support small farms and cash for work schemes
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What are cash for work schemes?
Where the government pays residents money to citizens to clear rubble. This lowers unemployment as well as clearing the area
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After 1 year, how many camps were still in place in Haiti?
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Did Haiti use the 3 P's?
They used GPS markers to moniter how much the earth was moving an calculated the stress on the plate to try and predict an earthqake but were not developed enough to be able to prepare or protect against them
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Did Italy use the 3 P's?
They used sonic booms to predict eathquakes, have an antiseismic law to ensure buildings are constructed/renovated to a good enough standard ad have practise drills for earthquakes
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


When was the Haiti earthquake?


16:53, 12th January 2010

Card 3


What was the magnitude of the Haiti eartquake?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Which plates were involved with the Haiti earthquake?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What type of plate boundary was the Haiti earthquake on?


Preview of the front of card 5
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