Taking part in physical activity; Eating balanced diet; Avoiding harmful substances; Sustaining friendships; Having the ability to concentrate.
1 of 5
What is health?
It is a stable of complete mental, physical, social well-being, not simply the absence of diseases or infirmity.
2 of 5
Mental well-being benefits
Increase in self-confidence; Increase in self-esteem; Feel good factor- Serotonin; Creates a positive boy image; Relieve stress/tension; Provides a mental challenge.
3 of 5
Social well-being benefits
Gives Enjoyment; Source of motivation; Team work/ Cooperation; Developing new friendships; Active social life; Leadership;
4 of 5
Benefits of taking part of physical
Body Image;Improve flexibility; Provides physical challenges; Improves posture; Ability to resist and recover from illness; Improved performance
5 of 5
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is health?
It is a stable of complete mental, physical, social well-being, not simply the absence of diseases or infirmity.
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