revision 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryAllGCSEAQA Created by: rehman1234Created on: 28-01-18 16:25 Atom economy % = RAM of desired product / RAM of all of the reactants X100 1 of 22 Acid + Base → Salt + Water 2 of 22 Acid + Metal Oxide → Salt + Water 3 of 22 Relative Atomic Mass (Ar) = Sum Of Isotope Abundance X Isotope Mass Number / Sum Of All The Isotopes 4 of 22 Mass Of An Element In A Compound % = Ar X Number Of Atoms / Mr of compound X100 5 of 22 Concentration (mol/dm3) = Moles of solute / Volume of solvent 6 of 22 Gradient = Change in Y / Change in X 7 of 22 Alkaline + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + carbon monoxide + water +energy 8 of 22 Concentration (g/dm3) = Mass of solute / Volume of solute 9 of 22 Volume of gas = mass of gas / Mr of gas X24 10 of 22 Surface area to volume ratio = Surface are / Volume 11 of 22 Hydro carbon + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + Water+ energy 12 of 22 Moles = Mass / Mr 13 of 22 % Yield = Mass of product actually made / Max theoretical mass of product X 100 14 of 22 Rate of reaction = Amount of reactant used or amount of product formed / Time 15 of 22 Acid + Metal → Salt + Hydrogen 16 of 22 Metal + Water → Meal Hydroxide + Hydrogen 17 of 22 Alcohol + Carboxylic acid → Ester +Water acid catalyst 18 of 22 Iron + Oxygen +Water → Hydrated Iron Oxde 19 of 22 Rf = Distance traveled by substance / Distance traveled by solvent 20 of 22 Uncertainty = Range / 2 21 of 22 OIL RIG Oxidation Is Loss Reduction Is Loss 22 of 22
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