What are the keys for each of the sections of 'Pathetique' and their relation to the tonic (if there is one)?
Intro = C minor, 1st Sub = C minor, 2nd Sub = Eb minor (unrelated) then Eb major (relative major), Development = G minor (Dominant), Recapitulation = (1st sub) C minor then (2nd sub) F minor (Sub dominant), Coda = C minor
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Texture of 'Pathetique'?
Homophonic (trills with monophonic passage leading into the recapitulation)
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Describe the harmony of 'Pathetique'.
Use of pedal points and diminshed 7ths at end
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Describe the melody of 'Pathetique'.
Chromatic scales, scalic flourishes builds from small motifs (sequences), rising pitch at beginning, stepwise, ornaments (mordents acciacuturas, trills), contrary motion, perfect cadence at end (stormy), overall pitch descends
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Name the perfect cadence at the end of subject 1 and the one at the end of subject 2 during the exposition of 'Pathetique'.
Subject 1 = imperfect Subject 2 = interrupted
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What is the tempo of 'Pathetique'?
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Describe the rhythm of 'Pathetique'.
Grave up till bar.10, then fast with vigour. Right hand = continuous quavers
First section = free time then moderately fast 4/4. Syncopation in vocal line, some solos have decorative folk like music (many semi-quavers), triplets, polyrhythms.
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What is the drone note in in 'Release'?
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Does 'Release' modulate?
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What is the texture of 'Release'?
Mainly homophonic with layered texture.
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What electronic technique is used on the female vocals in 'Release'?
Heavy panning and reverb.
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Describe the harmony of 'Release'?
Diatonic with the use of a drone note and repetitive chord sequences.
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What is the Structure of 'Release'?
Intro, Verse 1, Verse 2, Solos, Verse 3, Build, Outro
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What is the word setting in 'Release'?
Mostly syllabic
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Describe the melody.
Conjunct based on an opening motif.
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The female voice has a range of a what? What about the male (gaelic)?
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