revision p and e 0.0 / 5 ? OtherphilosophyGCSEEdexcel Created by: willdeanCreated on: 26-02-24 09:30 afterlife existence continues after physical death 1 of 15 environmental sustainability demands placed on natural resources can be met 2 of 15 euthanasia the killing of a person suffering from an illness 3 of 15 evolution animals developed from less complex forms 4 of 15 abortion the deliberate termination of an embryo to stop childbirth 5 of 15 Quality of Life Quality of Life Extent to which life is pleasurable or meaningful 6 of 15 Sanctity of Life Life is precious, sacred. Human life holds this special status 7 of 15 Soul c 8 of 15 Soul The spiritual part of a human that connects them to God. The soul is non-physical 9 of 15 dominion humans were told to rule over nature meaning we can use the worlds resources as we wish 10 of 15 stewardship we should live in harmony with nature, not destroy it. god told adam and eve to cultivate and care for the garden of eden 11 of 15 dualism we are made of two seperate parts the soul and the physical body 12 of 15 materialism nothing exists but our bodies 13 of 15 what happens when we die? atheist and humanist nothing survives death. the chemicals in our bodies are recycled into the environment 14 of 15 what happens when we die? christians -there is eternal life in heaven -the dead will rise to be judged by god and go to heaven or hell 15 of 15
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