Revision Quiz - Education 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyEducationSociological research methodsSociological theoryA2/A-levelAll boards Created by: Quasar965Created on: 12-03-19 10:34 Differences in Educational Achievement depending on social class #1 Language used - Bernstein 1 of 14 Differences in Educational Achievement depending on social class #2 Self-fulfilling prophecy - Rosenthal and Jacobsen 2 of 14 Differences in Educational Achievement depending on gender #1 Education is feminine - Sewell 3 of 14 Differences in Educational Achievement depending on gender #2 Bedroom Culture - McRobbie 4 of 14 How the Education System serves the needs of capitalism #1 Reproduction and Legitimisation of class inequality - Althusser 5 of 14 How the Education System serves the needs of capitalism #2 Myth of meritocracy - Bowles and Gintis 6 of 14 How the Education System serves the needs of capitalism #3 Hidden curriculum - Bowles and Gintis 7 of 14 Sociological explanations for the differences between differing educational achievement depending on social class #1 Labelling - Becker 8 of 14 Sociological explanations for the differences between differing educational achievement depending on social class #2 Open enrolment - Ball 9 of 14 Sociological explanations for the differences between differing educational achievement depending on social class #3 League tables - Ball, Bowe and Gerwirtz 10 of 14 Sociological explanations for the differences between differing educational achievement depending on social class #4 Material Deprivation - Howard 11 of 14 Sociological explanations for the differences between differing educational achievement depending on social class #5 Attitudes and Values - Sugarman 12 of 14 Participant Observations and pupil exclusions #1 Validity 13 of 14 Participant Observations and pupil exclusions #2 Insight 14 of 14
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