
  • Created by: Romilly
  • Created on: 20-11-12 21:46
what is the equation for finding out your target zone?
220- (age)= maximum heart rate. upper 80% lower 60%
1 of 29
what are the 5 components of a balanced diet?
fruit and veg, carbs, protein,dairy, hight fat food and drink
2 of 29
After eating a meal how long should you wait to exercise?
2 hours minimum
3 of 29
The blood vessels are constricted (sqeezed) to make them smaller
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the blood vessels are dialated to make them bigger
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Blood shunting
blood is diverted away from inactive areas to the working muscles
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muscular/ good built- suited for sprinting, boxing
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long thin frame/does not store fat easily-long distance running,high jump
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Endomorph (donut)
fat, narrow shoulders, wide hips- shot putt, sumo wrestling, rugby prop
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what factors affectoptimum weight ?
Height, sex, bone structure,Muscle girth (size of muscle circumference)
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Cardiac output
The amount of blood leaving the heart per minute
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Blood pressure
The force of the blood pushing against the blood vessel wall
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Systolic blood pressure
Pressure in the arteries whilst the heart is contracting
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Diastolic blood pressure
Pressure in the arteries whilst the hear is relaxing and filling with blood
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Gluteus maximus
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Back of lower leg
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The top of the shoulder
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Upper back from neck across shoulders
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Latissimus Dorsi
Side of back
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Front of upper chest
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Front of torso, below upper chest (six pack)
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Isotonic Muscle contractions
Contractions that result in movement
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Isometric Muscle contractions
Muscles contract but here is no visible mvement
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what does your skeleton provide protection for ?
vital organs including your heart
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what ae the functions of the skeleton >
support, protect, aid movement
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Hinge joints
Knee, Elbow- flexion and extension
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Ball and socket joints
Hip, shoulder- felxion, rotation, adduction, extension, abduction
27 of 29
The movement of a limb AWAY from the midline of the body
28 of 29
The movement of a limb TOWARDS the midline of the body
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are the 5 components of a balanced diet?


fruit and veg, carbs, protein,dairy, hight fat food and drink

Card 3


After eating a meal how long should you wait to exercise?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4




Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5




Preview of the front of card 5
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