RISC CISC 2.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? ComputingRISC CISCA2/A-levelOCR Created by: NJHouriganCreated on: 25-01-16 13:02 What does CISC stand for? Complex instruction set computing 1 of 9 What does RISC stand for? Reduced instruction set computing 2 of 9 Which CPU architecture has more complex circuitry? CISC 3 of 9 Does the compiler do more work in CISC or RISC ? RISC 4 of 9 Which architecture requires more RAM usage? RISC 5 of 9 Is RISC or CISC closer to high level programming language? CISC 6 of 9 Some instructions can take multiple cycles to complete in which architecture? CISC 7 of 9 Which architecture has more instructions? CISC 8 of 9 Which architecture generally has higher clock speeds? RISC 9 of 9
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