Rise of Nazi's 1929 -1939

  • Created by: Holly
  • Created on: 28-11-13 18:49
Why did Hitler become popular?
Wall St. Crash, great depression, no one to turn to Germany blamied the government for this outburst
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How did Hitler become popular?
powerful speeches, rallies, propaganda, promises - bread, work, money,
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Nazi party in Reichstag
Reichstag number of seats: 1920 - 12seats, 1930 - 107 seats, 1932 - 230 seats
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How did he become Chancellor?
demanded to be Chancellor, Hindenburg didn't let him, Nazis left Reichstag forefitting elections. Hindenburg "keep your friends close, enemies closer" he gave in
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When did Hitler become Chancellor?
January 1933
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Card 2


How did Hitler become popular?


powerful speeches, rallies, propaganda, promises - bread, work, money,

Card 3


Nazi party in Reichstag


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Card 4


How did he become Chancellor?


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Card 5


When did Hitler become Chancellor?


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