Rivers 5.0 / 5 based on 1 ratingTeacher recommended ? GeographyWater and riversGCSEAQA Created by: LucyvUCreated on: 28-01-18 18:41 Q.Name the 4 types of erosion. A. Hydraulic Action, Abrasion, Attrition and Solution. 1 of 20 Q. What is Hydraulic Action The force of the water breaks rock particles away from the river channel 2 of 20 Q. What is Abrasion? A. Eroded rocks picked up by the river scrape and rub against the channel wearing it away. 3 of 20 Q. What is Attrition? A. Eroded rocks picked up by the river smash into each other and break into smallerments fragments. 4 of 20 Q. What is Solution? A. River water dissolves some types of rock e.g. chalk and limestone. 5 of 20 Q. Name all 4 types of Transportation. A. Traction, Saltation, Suspension and Solution. 6 of 20 Q. What is Traction? A. Large Particles are pushed along the river bed by the force of water. 7 of 20 Q. What is Saltation? A. Pebble sized particles are bounced along the river bed by the force of water. 8 of 20 Q. What is Suspension? A. Small particles are carried along with the water. 9 of 20 Q. What is Solution? A. Soluble materials dissolve in the water and are carried along. 10 of 20 Q. What is Deposition? A. Is when a river drops the load it has been transporting. This happens when the velocity of the river slows. 11 of 20 Q. Features of the upper course. A. They have a steep gradient, v shaped valley with steep sides, narrow and shallow channels. 12 of 20 Q. Features of the middle course. A. Medium gradient, gently sloping valley sides, widder and deeper channels 13 of 20 Q. Features of the lower course. A. Gentle gradient, very wide basically flat valley, very wide and deep channels. 14 of 20 Q. What is a long profile of a river? A.It shows you how the gradient changes over the different courses. 15 of 20 Q. What is a cross profile of a river? A. It shows you the cross section of a river . 16 of 20 Q. What is Lateral Erosion? A. Lateral Erosion widens the river valley during meanders. More common in the middle and lower courses. 17 of 20 Q. What is Vertical Erosion? A.This deepens the river valley making it v shaped. It is more common in the upper course. 18 of 20 Q. What is the source of a river? A. It is this the original doint from which a river flows . 19 of 20 Q. What is the mouth of a river? A. It is the point where the river meets the sea. 20 of 20