Rivers 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyRiversIGCSECIE Created by: Rizwana Mohamed FarookCreated on: 09-06-23 21:05 The fastest part of the river Thalweg 1 of 10 The end of the river, this is normally where a river enters the sea, but it can be where it enters a lake Mouth 2 of 10 A small river that flows into a bigger river Tributary 3 of 10 The section of the river near the mouth that is tidal Estuary 4 of 10 The dividing line between the two drainage basins Watershed 5 of 10 The process of a rivers’ load crashing and rubbing into a rivers’ banks and bed causing pieces to break off. Corrasion 6 of 10 The process of water dissolving a rivers’ load as well as its bed and banks Corrosion 7 of 10 The process of smaller pieces of load being carried in a rivers flow Suspension 8 of 10 A bend in the river Meander 9 of 10 When two meanders connect (join) Oxbow Lakes 10 of 10
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