Western - urban/geo. mob./social intergation/high degree of choice//Non-western - lack urban settings-less interaction pple and choice.
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Voluntary or Non-Voluntary - Research Support
Whyte - chinease study - women love happier than arranged//myers - no dif. in sat btw US/arragned//Epstein- reduced mobility/arranged marriages resulted in low div/high love.
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Individual of Group Based AO1/2
Collectivist - needs of group - interdependent//individuallist -freedom of choice - inderpendent//(AO2) vol. not always succes - blinded by love - however whytes study
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Importance of love AO1
Levine Qnaire 11 culture - 14% US would marry in abscense of love//love luxury//Moore-18%of chinease australian studnts in rlps//anglo aust. less rom. about rlps
4 of 8
Importance of Love AO2 - Cultural bias
exposed - to ideolised views//Qnair pple watched US ROmCOms - views reflected themes//increasing urbanisation - middle class india
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Importance of Love IDA
Pinker 'love' human universal -prom. survival.//Jankowiak - ROm love in 90% of 166 countires //Zeki - 'functionally specialiesd system' lights up in FMRI scans of lovers
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Cultural Diff. in loneliness
Seepersad - western high degree due to desire to form rlps//korean have fam. network for needs//us friends and sig. others.
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Methodological Probs
cultural bias created - invalidates conclusions - diff. interpretations - INDIGENOUS psychology - expl. design for each culture - less imposition
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Whyte - chinease study - women love happier than arranged//myers - no dif. in sat btw US/arragned//Epstein- reduced mobility/arranged marriages resulted in low div/high love.
Voluntary or Non-Voluntary - Research Support
Card 3
Collectivist - needs of group - interdependent//individuallist -freedom of choice - inderpendent//(AO2) vol. not always succes - blinded by love - however whytes study
Card 4
Levine Qnaire 11 culture - 14% US would marry in abscense of love//love luxury//Moore-18%of chinease australian studnts in rlps//anglo aust. less rom. about rlps
Card 5
exposed - to ideolised views//Qnair pple watched US ROmCOms - views reflected themes//increasing urbanisation - middle class india
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