Robbery 0.0 / 5 ? LawDelegated legislationA2/A-levelOCR Created by: 10dhallCreated on: 12-06-17 22:58 What is the section / statute? S8 of the Theft Act 1968 1 of 11 What is the definition? Someone is guilty of robbery if at the time or immediately before the time of stealing force is applied or the threat of force is used 2 of 11 What is a case stating what amounts to force? RP v DPP 3 of 11 What is a case example on a bag? Cocoran v Anderton 4 of 11 What is a case example on a bag/direct force? R v Clouden 5 of 11 What is a case example on a car? R v Zerei 6 of 11 What is a case on conspiracy? R v Raphael 7 of 11 What is a case example on helping a robbery? Dawson and James 8 of 11 What is a case example on jewellery? R v Hale 9 of 11 What is a case example on picking up money? R v Robinson 10 of 11 What is a case example involving a bike? Vinall 11 of 11
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