Robbery 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? LawCriminal lawA2/A-levelAQA Created by: georgiaball10Created on: 05-05-16 13:55 what is defined in S8 Theft Act 1968 Robbery 1 of 9 Which case said that all elements of theft must be present for there to be a robbery? R v Robinson 2 of 9 Which case said that the amount of force can be small and used example of a small push to allow another to take wallet Dawson and James 3 of 9 In which case was a shopping bag wrenched out of someones hand (force or threat of force) Clouden 4 of 9 Which case said that if there is no direct contact it is hard to state that force was applied to person? P v DPP 5 of 9 Which case said that force at time or immediately before can be a continuing act? Hale 6 of 9 Which case said that if the theft is not successful there can still be a robbery? Concoran and Anderton 7 of 9 Which case said there are limits to the continuing act? Vinall 8 of 9 The mens rea for robbery is intend to use ..... .. ..... Force to steal 9 of 9
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