role of education theorists 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? SociologyEducationASAQA Created by: beeCreated on: 09-05-13 12:57 Durkeim (functionalist) role of education = teaching specialist skills and creating social solidarity 1 of 7 Willis (marxist) passes on class inequalities to next generation 2 of 7 Parson (functionalist) education acts a bridge between family and wider society 3 of 7 Wrong (critiques Parson) argues fuctionalists have an 'over-socialised view' of people 4 of 7 Davis and Moore (functionalist) education purpose =role allocation. It sifts and sorts students based on talents. 5 of 7 Althusser (Marxist) ideological state apparatus - eudcation reproduces class inequalities 6 of 7 Bourdieu (marxists) reproduces culture capital 7 of 7
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