roles & organisations that regulate & inspect 0.0 / 5 ? Health & Social Careunit2BTEC NationalEdexcel Created by: 2013-4666Created on: 25-03-19 11:53 England CQC - the Care Quality Commission 1 of 12 England NICE - the National Institute for health & Care Excellence 2 of 12 England PHE - Public Health England 3 of 12 England OFTSTED - the Office For Standards in Education 4 of 12 Wales CSSIW - the Care & Social Services Inspectorate Wales 5 of 12 Wales NICE - the National Institute for health & Care Excellence 6 of 12 Wales HIW - Healthcare Inspectorate Wales 7 of 12 Wales Estyn - her majesty inspector of education & training in Wales 8 of 12 Northern Ireland RQIA - the Regulation & Quality Improvement Authority 9 of 12 Northern Ireland NICE - the National Institute for health & Care Excellence 10 of 12 Northern Ireland PHA Northern Ireland - Public Health Agency for Northern Ireland 11 of 12 Northern Ireland ETI - Education & Training Inspectorate 12 of 12
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