Roman Britain Timeline (and Sources)

55 BC
Julius Caesar's First Invasion (Gallic Wars, Strabo's Geography, The Agricola).
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54 BC
Caesar's Second Invasion (see previous, and Cicero's letters, Hengistbury Head).
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54 BC - 43 AD
Inter-invasion Period (Verica's coin, Dio Cassius, Strabo, Suetonius).
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43 AD
Claudian Invasion- Aulus Plautius (Dio Cassius, Suetonius, Maiden Castle, Hod Hill).
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43 - 60 AD
Conquest and Consolidation (Tacitus Annals, (Maiden Head, Hod Hill- Roman supremacy)).
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44 AD
Vespasian captures Dorset hill forts with II Legion Augusta (Suetonius).
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47 AD -Spring
Aulus Plautius returns to Rome. Is replaced by Publius Ostorius Scapula.
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47 AD -Summer
Iceni revolt against Scapula's weapon ban. Revolt put down. Prasutagus likely installed as a Client King.
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48 AD
Romans had subdued all territory South of mouth of Humber, to Severn Estuary.
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49 AD
Camulodunum (Colchester) founded as a Roman veteran colony. Briton's land confiscated. Briefly the capital of the province.
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51 AD
Caratacus (Catuvellauni) defeated and captured- given up by Cartimandua (Brigantes).
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52 AD
Silures fight on in SE Wales. Scapula dies. Aulus Didius Gallus is replacement Governor: Silures conflict fizzles out.
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58 AD
Gallus replaced by Quintus Veranius Nepos: Crushes Silures.
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1. 61 AD
Gaius Suetonius Paulinus- subdued Mona (Anglesey) to supress Druids in far West.
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2. 61 AD
Boudiccan revolt: Iceni and Trinovantes (East Anglia). Destroys Camulodunum, Londinium and Verulamium. Defeated at Battle of Watling Street (Tacitus Annals, Dio Cassius, tombstone, Claudius' statue).
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1. 69 AD
Civil War in Rome, after Nero's death in 68. Year of the 4 Emperors. Vespasian lasts as Emperor.
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2. 69 AD
Cartimandua flees to Romans after her ex-husband overthrows her from Brigantian rule.
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74 AD
Quintius Petilius Cerialis ends Governorship after reaching Carlisle- built garrison forts.
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77 - 83 AD
Gnaeus Julius Agricola's Governorship. (Tacitus' Agricola. BUT Dendrochronology, Statius, Pliny, Inchtuthil).
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77 AD
Agricola crushed Ordovices, then attacked Mona with auxiliary cavalrymen- swim with armour and horses. Druidic centre destroyed. Corn tax reformed.
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78 AD
Romanisation- educating tribal leaders' sons. Togas and Latin.
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79 AD
Opening of Verulamium as a Civic Centre.
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81 AD
Considered invading Ireland- didn't.
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82 AD
Invades Caledonia -Scotland. (Statius: Bolanus in Caledonia).
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83 / 84 AD
Battle of Mons Graupius against Galgacus. (Unknown territory. Only in 'Agricola').
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87 AD
Troops recalled from far north. (Inconclusive: Inchtuthil fortress- dismantled 4 years after built).
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100 AD
Stanegate- Vindolanda (Tablets).
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122 AD
Emperor Hadrian builds his Wall. Newcastle-Carlisle. Various motives. Completed by 139. (Scriptores Historae Augustae).
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142 AD
Emperor Antoninus Pius builds the Antonine Wall north of Hadrian's. Governor: Lollius Urbicus. Firth-Clyde. Subdue Scotland? (SHA)
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163 AD
Antonine Wall abandoned- withdrew to Hadrian's (SHA).
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Caesar's Second Invasion (see previous, and Cicero's letters, Hengistbury Head).


54 BC

Card 3


Inter-invasion Period (Verica's coin, Dio Cassius, Strabo, Suetonius).


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Claudian Invasion- Aulus Plautius (Dio Cassius, Suetonius, Maiden Castle, Hod Hill).


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Conquest and Consolidation (Tacitus Annals, (Maiden Head, Hod Hill- Roman supremacy)).


Preview of the back of card 5
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This is very helpful, perfect for my style of revision - thank you so much

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