Roman Festivals 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Classical CivilizationRoman festivalsGCSEOCR Created by: eabm06Created on: 04-02-21 12:46 which festivals origin story was based around Romulus and Remus and the 'she-wolf' THe Lupercalia 1 of 7 what was the reason women wand children would want to be whipped during the race during the Lupercalia? They thought it would help fertility issues. 2 of 7 which festival would women and slaves prefer and why? The saturnalia as they were regarded as equal to their masters or husbands for the duration of the festival 3 of 7 which festival could be associated with the modern day celebration 'valentines day' The Lupercalia 4 of 7 Who was Lupercus The roman god of fertility and purification 5 of 7 Who was Saturn The Roman god of sowing and seed 6 of 7 which festival had a public meal paid for by the senate? The supercalia 7 of 7
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