Roman Britain Dates 0.0 / 5 ? Ancient HistoryRoman Britain ASOCR Created by: megstielCreated on: 14-05-14 17:56 55 BC Julius Caesar's first invasion to Britain 1 of 23 54 BC Julius Caesar's second invasion to Britain 2 of 23 AD 43 Claudius' invasion - Plautius = governor 3 of 23 AD 47-52 Scapula becomes governor - Colchester first colony 4 of 23 AD 51 Caratacus is defeated 5 of 23 AD 52-57 Gallus is governor- Brigantes are split - venutius vs cartimandua 6 of 23 AD 57/8 Veranius becomes governor but dies in post 7 of 23 AD 58 Paullinus is governor - destroys druids in Mona (Anglesey) 8 of 23 AD 60 Boudicca + Iceni revolt + Trinovantes 9 of 23 AD 61-63 Turpilianus is governor 10 of 23 AD 63-69 Maximus is governor + mutiny of 20th legion - 69= Nero commits suicide 11 of 23 AD 69-71 Vespasion - Bolanus s governor + Brigantes in empire 12 of 23 AD 71-74 Cerealis is governor 13 of 23 AD 74-77/8 Frontinus is governor - conquers the Silures 14 of 23 AD 77/78 - 83/4 Agricola - Ordovices - Caledonia + 83 = Mons Graupius 15 of 23 AD 81-96 Accession of Domitian 16 of 23 AD 84 Domitian recalls Agricola and abandons Caledonia 17 of 23 AD 96 Accession of Nerva 18 of 23 AD 98 Accession of Trajan - Vindolanda tablets written 19 of 23 AD 117 Accession of Hadrian 20 of 23 AD 122 Hadrian's wall is built 21 of 23 AD 138 Antoninus Pius - Antonine wall 22 of 23 AD 163 Antonine wall abandoned 23 of 23
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