
Who was Jupiter?
King of the gods; originally a weather god who controlled the skies
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What are Jupiter's attributes?
A thunder bolt and sometimes the sceptre
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Who was Neptune?
God of the sea and god of horses (therefore god of chariot races)
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What are Neptune's attributes?
A trident, which he banged on the earth to create earthquakes, and sometimes with a dolphin
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Who was Mars?
God of war; believed to be the father of Romulus (founder of Rome)
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What are Mars' attributes?
Represented with armour, a shield, helmet, sword and breastplate
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Who was Apollo?
God of prophecy, the arts, the sun and archery
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What are Apollo's attributes?
Bows and arrows, a lyre and the sun
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Who was Mercury?
Messenger of the gods; sometimes responsible for communication, trade and business
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What are Mercury's attributes?
His winged sandals and wand
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Who is Pluto?
God of the dead and King of the Underworld
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What are Pluto's attributes?
Sometimes represented with a sceptre or pomegranate fruit
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Who was Juno?
Queen of the gods; goddess of women
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What are Juno's attributes?
Might be seen with a new-born child, supervising a wedding, or in regal dress wearing a crown
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Who was Venus?
Goddess of love; believed to be the mother of Aeneas
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What are Venus' attributes?
Her symbol was a shell; often depicted naked and with her son Cupid
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Who was Minerva?
Goddess of tactical warfare, wisdom and arts and crafts
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What are Minerva's attributes?
Represented with a helmet, spear and her special cape, the aegis; her sacred bird is an owl
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Who was Diana?
A virgin goddess; goddess of hunting and of the moon
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What are Diana's attributes
Represented as a huntress with bows, arrows and a hunting dog
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Who was Ceres?
Goddess of the harvest and of motherly love
21 of 24
What are Ceres' attributes?
Depicted with a sceptre, a basket of flowers and fruit, and a garland made of wheat ears
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Who was Vesta?
Goddess of the hearth
23 of 24
What are Vesta's attributes?
24 of 24

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are Jupiter's attributes?


A thunder bolt and sometimes the sceptre

Card 3


Who was Neptune?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are Neptune's attributes?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who was Mars?


Preview of the front of card 5
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