RPE Revision for PPE
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- Created by: Jemima.Ryles
- Created on: 29-10-19 12:14
Exam Technique: Chrsitianity Part A
A) Give the definition for a word - key concepts for each unit (2 marks) State what it is and gve an example
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Exam Technique: Christianity Part B
B) One religious view on something and 3 explained points (5 marks) 3 PEEL paragraphs, give examples, aim for one teaching
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Exam Technique: Christianity Part C
C) Religious views on the importance of beliefs, actions or events (8 marks) 4 PEEL paragraphs, link each paragraph to a teaching or example
3 of 24
Exam Technique: Christianity Part D
D) Discuss, assess and evaluate the statement given. Assess how strong the statement is (15 + 6 SPaG) 5 paragraphs, 2x support, 2x challenge, 1x conclusion. Include teachings and examples
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The state of being all-loving and infinitely good. A charcteristic attributed to God
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The all-powerful, almighty and unlimited nature of God. God as the creator
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The three persons of God. God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 'I and the father are one'
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God becoming human in the form of Jesus. 'The word became flesh and dwelt among us'
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The belief that Jesus' death on the cross healed on the cross healed the rift between humans and God. 'This is my blood poured out for the forgiveness of sins'
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The belief that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, conquering death. 'He is risen'
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An outward sign of an invisible and inward blessing by God, for example baptism or the Eucharist
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Preaching of the gospel to others with the intention of converting others to the Christian faith. 'Go and make disciples of all nations'
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Key Quote
'Where two or more gather in thy name, there I am with them'
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There are three main types of Christian worship
Liturgical, Informal and Individual
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Liturgical Worship
Has a set pattern, rituals and order, follows a service book, set times of prayer, colours for the church year, regular Sunday service, parish priest/vicar leads the worship, Eucharist would be central part of the service for baptised or confirmed
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Key quote
'Sharing in the death and resurrection of Jesus'
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Informal Worship
No set pattern, spontaneous responses, sermons can be from the congregation, quakers have silence and reflection on Bible passages, evangelicals have singing, dancing and clapping, regular Sunday services with or without holy communion
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'I am the way, the truth and the life'
Listening and engagingwith Jesus' teachings is the most important aspect of worship
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Personal saying of prayers and reading of the Bible 'go into your room, close the door and pray to your father in Heaven', no set time, worship at home, usually when alone, can be during pilgrimages or by dedicating one's life to God - vocation
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...can be done through meditation or through individual action/charity work
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Worship through Prayer
ACTS. Adoration: praising God, Confession: saying sorry, Thanksgiving: to give thanks, Supplication: to ask for
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A type pf communication through God and is an essential part of the Christian faith. Many Christians are part of 'prayer chains' or 'prayer partners' where they pray for others everyday.
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The Lord's Prayer
Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, as earth as in heaven, give us today our daily bread, and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from
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evil, for the kingdom, the power and the glory our yours, now and forever
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
B) One religious view on something and 3 explained points (5 marks) 3 PEEL paragraphs, give examples, aim for one teaching
Exam Technique: Christianity Part B
Card 3
C) Religious views on the importance of beliefs, actions or events (8 marks) 4 PEEL paragraphs, link each paragraph to a teaching or example
Card 4
D) Discuss, assess and evaluate the statement given. Assess how strong the statement is (15 + 6 SPaG) 5 paragraphs, 2x support, 2x challenge, 1x conclusion. Include teachings and examples
Card 5
The state of being all-loving and infinitely good. A charcteristic attributed to God
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