RS 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesChristianityIslamGCSEAQA Created by: EvieLaurenCreated on: 18-06-17 18:08 Body rots and soul goes straight up to be judged Immortality of the soul 1 of 18 Body rots until judgment day Resurrection of the body 2 of 18 Literally what happened, word for word Fundamental/literal 3 of 18 Not necessarily true, messages and stories Symbolic/liberal 4 of 18 Acts of religious prasie Worship 5 of 18 Set structure Liturgical 6 of 18 Not a set structure Non-liturgical 7 of 18 Type of non-liturgical, spontaneous Informal 8 of 18 Worshiping God at home Private 9 of 18 Rituals in which the believer receives grace Sacraments 10 of 18 A ritual where someone becomes part of christianity Baptism 11 of 18 One god Monotheistic 12 of 18 All powerful Omnipotent 13 of 18 All loving Omnibenevolent 14 of 18 Right and fair Just 15 of 18 Father, Son and the Holy Spirit The Holy Trinity 16 of 18 Above humans understanding Transcendent 17 of 18 Idea of having a relationship with God Personal 18 of 18
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