RS Issues AQA
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- Created by: 13boneo
- Created on: 15-05-18 19:23
What themes must you answer in the exam?
A, C, D and E.
1 of 34
Define the term civil marraige.
A non-religious marraige.
2 of 34
Define the term civil partnership.
Legal union of two people of the same gender.
3 of 34
Define the term age of consent.
The age at which a person is considered old enough to decide whether or not they want to have sex.
4 of 34
Define the term annulment.
The cancellation of a marriage.
5 of 34
Define the term gender predujice.
The idea that men and women are not equal.
6 of 34
What is a divorce?
The legal dissolution (ending) of a marriage.
7 of 34
Name the 4 family types.
Nuclear, extended, single parent and reconstituated.
8 of 34
What type of contraception is allowed by Catholics?
Rhythm method i.e. during the menstrual cycle
9 of 34
Name 3 vows said during the wedding ceremony.
Examples include "through sickness and in health", "'til death do us part", "for richer or for poorer".
10 of 34
What are some religiously significant things in a wedding ceremony?
Hymns, Church, Bible and any other examples.
11 of 34
Name a denomination of Christianity that accepts homosexuality.
12 of 34
Give two reasons an annulment might be allowed.
Adultery, abuse and any others.
13 of 34
What might a Catholic say about the issue of homosexuality?
God does not permit it.
14 of 34
What is general revelation and can you name some examples?
Revelation available to all that does not just appeal to one person e.g. nature, the Bible
15 of 34
What is special revelation and can you name some examples?
Individual revelation that is personal to only the person who receives it e.g. miracles, visions
16 of 34
Give an example of direct revelation, in which God communicates directly with someone, from the Bible.
Saul converted from Judaism to Christianity after Jesus spoke to him during a direct revelation.
17 of 34
Name the 8 criteria within the Just War theory.
Just cause, right intention, likelihood of success, legitimate authority, proportionality, last resort, comparative justice and spare civilians.
18 of 34
Give an example of a war believed to be just and evaluate whether it really meets the Just War criteria.
WWII appears to meet these conditions because the intention was to correct the evil Hitler was doing for Nazi Germany, however the allied bombing of Dresden killed 135,000 civilians.
19 of 34
Give 3 reasons people might commit acts of terrorism.
They think they will go to heaven, they want to change the government, they feel excluded.
20 of 34
What is holy war?
Fighting for a religious cause or God, probably controlled by a religious leader.
21 of 34
Explain why the concept of lesser jihad is not as prevalent today as it once was.
The outward struggle to defend Islam from threat used to be important because Muslims were being persecuted and had to fight in order to keep practising their religion. The Qur'an mentions extreme acts of violence as being justifiable (7th century)
22 of 34
Give some arguments against the statement "religion is the main cause for war".
Humans argue about lots of things, not just religion. Nationalism is often a motive e.g. Hitler wanted Germany to be a world power. Religious charities seek to end conflict, not encourage it. A dictator could be in power.
23 of 34
What does it mean to be a conscientious objector?
Finding other ways of contributing to a war effort rather than fighting.
24 of 34
Give some arguments for and against capital punishment.
FOR: Effective deterrent against violent crime, "an eye for an eye", punishment should fit heinous crime. AGAINST: "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind", states in US that have it have a higher murder rate, saying it gives closure legislate
25 of 34
Give the meaning of the quote "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
"an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" is saying that if we keep punishing those we deem cruel, then we're no better than the people being executed. "you can't solve violence with violence"
26 of 34
Give a modern view of equality as seen in the Bible.
"there is no difference between men and women; you are all one in union with Jesus Christ"
27 of 34
Give some reasons for and against contraception.
FOR: couples might not be able to provide for children but still want sex, you do not have to have children to show commitment. AGAINST: Devalues the purpose of sex, as some believe it should be purely for procreation. Survival of the fittest
28 of 34
Explain the Design Argument.
The world is too intricate to have happened by chance and is itself enough evidence of God's existence.
29 of 34
What are the flaws in the Design Argument?
Some things that look like they were designed were actually an accident e.g. penicillin and post it notes. Other reasons suggest God's design of the world wasn't perfect - natural disasters etc.
30 of 34
Explain the cosmological argument.
Whatever exists has a cause. The universe exists, and therefore must have a cause. This is believed to be God.
31 of 34
Give some Christian views on prisons.
Support their use, but are concerned about how they are run and levels of reoffending. 47% of prisoners have no qualifications - more education
32 of 34
Give some Muslim views on prisons.
Also support their use, but under Shari'ah Law prisons have less of a role in reforming. Normally used when an offender is awaiting trial or punishment.
33 of 34
Give Christian and Muslim views on corporal punishment.
Most Christians see corporal punishment as unacceptable but discipline important, Muslims may argue that depriving someone of seeing their families is worse than corporal punishment.
34 of 34
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Define the term civil marraige.
A non-religious marraige.
Card 3
Define the term civil partnership.

Card 4
Define the term age of consent.

Card 5
Define the term annulment.

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