Life in all forms is sacred, precious and utterly priceless.
1 of 9
Name four key points about 'Sanctity of Life' in Christianity?
Life is a gift from God, he is involved with everyone's life, Jesus showed that all life would be valued and only God should take away life.
2 of 9
Name three key points about 'Sanctity of Life' in Islam?
Every soul has been created by Allah, Allah has a plan for each life and no one has the right to take their own life or anyone else's.
3 of 9
What is the definition of Voluntary Euthanasia?
Patient asks to have life ended due to incurable and painful disease.
4 of 9
What is the definition of Compulsory Euthanasia?
When family and doctors decide that patient's life should be ended so they are no longer suffering.
5 of 9
Why do Christians believe that Euthanasia is morally wrong?
Because they believe God should be the only one to end life.
6 of 9
What is the name of the campaign that is supporting the idea of having optional Euthanasia in the country?
7 of 9
Name three points on the views of Anglicans and Euthanasia?
That all life is sacred and holy, elderly people should be given help and support instead, being brain dead or in a coma are accepeted as needing Euthanasia.
8 of 9
What type of Christian believes that Euthanasia in any form is completely wrong?
Roman Catholics.
9 of 9
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Name four key points about 'Sanctity of Life' in Christianity?
Life is a gift from God, he is involved with everyone's life, Jesus showed that all life would be valued and only God should take away life.
Card 3
Name three key points about 'Sanctity of Life' in Islam?
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