RS 0.0 / 5 ? Religious Studiesearly lifeGCSEAQA Created by: PaigeLawsonCreated on: 05-04-14 14:50 Abortion the deliberate termination of a pregnancy, usually before 24 weeks 1 of 7 Embryo fertilised ovum at about 12-14 days when implanted into the wall of the womb 2 of 7 Foetus fertilised ovum at about 11 weeks when the organs have developed 3 of 7 Sanctity of Life the idea that life is sacred because it is god-given 4 of 7 Quality of LIfe measure of fulfilment 5 of 7 Adoption the legal process where a person is adopted into another family as a son or daughter 6 of 7 Fostering the taking of a child from a different family int a family home and bringinh 7 of 7
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