RS 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesAbortionGCSEAQA Created by: PaigeLawsonCreated on: 05-04-14 14:56 Abortion the deliberate termination of a pregnancy, usually before 24 weeks 1 of 14 Embryo fertilised ovum at about 12-14 days when implanted into the wall of the womb 2 of 14 Foetus fertilised ovum at about 11 weeks when the organs have developed 3 of 14 Sanctity of Life the idea that life is sacred because it is god-given 4 of 14 Quality of LIfe measure of fulfilment 5 of 14 Adoption the legal process where a person is adopted into another family as a son or daughter 6 of 14 Fostering the taking of a child from a different family into a family home and bringing them up with the rest of the new family 7 of 14 Pro-Choice in favour of women's rights to choose an abortion 8 of 14 Pro-Life opposed to abortion, in favour of life of the foetus 9 of 14 Pressure Groups collections of people outside the government who campaign for changes in society 10 of 14 Conception when the sperm meets the egg 11 of 14 Viable the point at which the foetus could survive outside the womb if it were to be born 12 of 14 Miracle of Life the idea that life is wonderful amazing and special 13 of 14 Blessing the idea that God has favoured a couple with a child 14 of 14
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