Rs key words Jewdaism isvosnvosdnvsnvsnvuis 3.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Revision SkillsOtherAll boards Created by: JaypreetCreated on: 30-05-11 14:31 Is monothiesm... belife in one God 1 of 13 Theism mean Belief in God 2 of 13 agnostic unsure if God exists 3 of 13 Idol worship is... replacing god in life with something else 4 of 13 Sheema is the most sacred prayer in jewdaism 5 of 13 Is Covenant the sacred promise between him and his people ? True 6 of 13 sancifier is to make it different 7 of 13 brit milah is the circumcision ? True 8 of 13 kosher is non religious foods ? False 9 of 13 treifah is non religious foods ? True 10 of 13 melachot is no aloud during shabbat ? True 11 of 13 shabbat is celebrates on what day ? and is it jewish holy day sunday , yes 12 of 13 ner tamid is the enternal light 13 of 13