Marriage or partnership with only one person at a time. A faithful relationship between two people. Christian, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu and Buddhist marriages are monogamous and Muslim marriages usually are.
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Marriage in which a spouse of either sex may have more than one mate at the same time. Islam allows men to be polygamous
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The legal or religious ceremony that formalises the decision of two people to live as a married couple. Marriage is encouraged in all religions, and is usually seen to be permanent and faithful.
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Living together as a couple without being married.
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Civil Partnership
A legal union for same-sex couples, offering the same rights and responsibilities as civil marriage. Some churches offer blessing ceremonies for civil partnerships.
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Arranged marriage
A marriage in which someone other than the couple getting married make the selection of the persons to be wed, usually the close family
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Assisted marriage
The wider family and community help introduce a range of suitable marriage candidates.
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Teleological Argument
Also known as the Design argument. Associated with William Paley and Aquinas. The apparent design of the world/universe points to God as designer.
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Anthropic Principle
The idea that the universe seems "Fine-tuned" for the development of life. Associated with FR Tennant.
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Natural Selection
The mechanism of evolution, also known as "survival of the fittest'. Many atheist thinkers (e.g Dawkins) believe that this accounts entirely for the appearance of design of lifeforms.
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Literally means "good news". The 4 books of The New Testament that describe the life, works, death and resurrection of Jesus. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
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The act of rising from he dead. (initial capital letter) the rising of Christ after his death and burial.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Marriage in which a spouse of either sex may have more than one mate at the same time. Islam allows men to be polygamous
Card 3
The legal or religious ceremony that formalises the decision of two people to live as a married couple. Marriage is encouraged in all religions, and is usually seen to be permanent and faithful.
Card 4
Living together as a couple without being married.
Card 5
A legal union for same-sex couples, offering the same rights and responsibilities as civil marriage. Some churches offer blessing ceremonies for civil partnerships.
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